2.Language, culture, and thought _______ , each influencing and shaping the other two.( )
A. alternate
B. change
C. interact
D. substitute
3.A meddlesome person who pries into others' affairs is called a _______. ( )
A. busman
B. busybody
C. ladies' man
D. do-gooder
4.Thematic meaning is represented by the _______ of a word in a sentence.( )
A. structure
B. part of speech
C. formation
D. position
5.The word "international" consists of _______ morphemes.( )
A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. 5
6.Which of the following statements is NOT true? ( )
A. English is a language with explicit grammar and Chinese is a language with implicit grammar.
B. Compared with Chinese, English has more grammatical morphemes that are used more frequently in either speech or writing.
C. Chinese has no grammatical morphemes.
D. Grammatical explicitness and consistency are required in English.
7.Which of the following names is associated with Christianity? ( )
A. Edgar
B. Joseph
C. Alexander
D. Iris
8. When you'd like to make a reply to the thanks from others, you may say, "_______". ( )
A. It' s my pleasure.
B. No. You're too polite.
C. It's my duty.
D. No.
9.He saw a car accident when he was driving home.
The above sentence is connected _______.( )
A. hypotactically
B. paratactially
C. in a parallel way
D. unreasonably
10. He didn't work. Instead, he went to see a movie.
The logical relationship between the above sentences is _______. ( )
A. additive
B. adversative
C. causal
D. temoral
11. "Congress passes tight budget.From the above example of a news headline, we can see that the most salient feature of the headline is _______.( )
A. repetition
B. concision
C. smoothness
D. omission
12. In British English, the letter "i" in the word "mobile" is pronounced as ______. ( )
A. [æ]
B. [ ]
C. [ai]
D. [i]
13. If the speaker wishes to signal that it is another person's turn to talk, he or she will finish his or her present utterance, look directly at the other person, and stop gesticulating. In this situation, the function of nonverbal message is ________. ( )
A. regulating
B. contradicting
C. accenting
D. substituting
14. Nonverbal communication is communication without ________. ( )
A. action
B. gestures
C. eye contact
D. words
15. The&n
本文标签:广州自考 历年真题 全国2008年10月高等教育自学考试语言与文化试题