acknowledge v. show that one recognizes someone else 对(人)打招呼
appreciation n. grateful feelings 感谢
appreciative a. thankful, grateful 感谢的,感激的
betray v. make sth. known 泄露
casually ad. with little attention or responsibility 漫不经心地
cliche n. an out-dated idea or expression 陈腐思想;陈词滥调
counter n. a table where people are served in a shop,bank, etc. 柜台
demanding a. requiring 要求高的
effective a. having noticeable effect 有效的
focus on direct one‘s attention to 注视
go about begin to work at 着手
greet v. welcome sb. with words or actions 欢迎;问候
identify v. see clearly; prove sth. true 看清楚;鉴定
impression n. what is left in one‘s mind after seeing sb. or sth. 印象
inattentiveness n. giving no attention 漫不经心
inspanidual a. suitable for each person only 个人的,个体的
inflection n. change of voice in level 音变
intuitively ad. directly 直觉地,本能地
memorable a. worth remembering 值得纪念的;难忘的
preoccupied a. inattentive; with the mind fixed on sth. else 出神的;一心想着别的
product n. sth. produced in a factory or on a farm 产品,产物
rapport n. friendly relationship 友好关系
receptionist n. a person who receives customers, visitors, patients, etc. 接待员
response n. answer 回答
retail v. sell goods to the general public 零售
本文标签:广州自考 串讲笔记 自考英语阅读(二)词汇UNIT-4