1.The special Economic Zone 经济特区
2.a well-placed source 一位高层消息灵通人士
3.infrastructure 基础设施
4.capital stock 实际资本
5.consumer goods 消费品
6.preferential tax rate 优惠税率
7.cooperative enterprise 合作(经营)企业
8.ETDZ ( Economic &Technical Development Zone )经济技术开发区
9.entrepreneurship 企业家精神
10.means of production 生产资料
11.stock-taking 评估
12.Allocation of resources 资源配置
13.macroregulation and control 宏观调控
14.fiscal policies 财政
15.tight monetary policy 紧缩的货币
16.working capital 运营资本
17.basic policy 基本国策
18.technical transformation 技术革新
1.in piecemeal form: piece by piece; gradually 逐渐的
2.showpiece: a prime or outstanding example 典范
3.pipedream: fantasy; daydream; dream that cannot be realized 白日梦
4.from scratch: from the very beginning 从零开始,从最初开始
5.grassroots: basic level 基层
6.the dust settles: the confusion ends 尘埃落定
7.in the driver‘s seat: in the dominant position
1.A clearly confident China has rolled up a large section of its bamboo curtain, declared itself “open to the outside world” and hung signs on nearly all its cities inviting foreign investors to come and do serious business.
2.The literally, this does not make more sense as the parts of the coast which have not been “opened” are simply not ready for the demands of foreign businessman.
3.In the SEZs, which are being built almost from scratch, foreigners can invest
本文标签:广州自考 串讲笔记 《外刊经贸知识选读》最新串讲资料第二章